Which YouTube ad format is best for you

We generally recommend choosing YouTube or any other ad format to determine your branding goals for the campaign first. Let's take a look at some of the goals

  • If you shoot for maximum exposure, live streaming is usually the best option.

  • If you want to increase the number of subscribers to your channel, the offer will help you.
  • It is always a good idea to try every type of layout to find the look that best fits your video marketing strategy.

We help customers with every type of these ads, but we like the live streaming option to reach the majority of your target audience because it allows users to see your ad without having to click on it.

Prepare your YouTube ad

First of all, YouTube ads must run through Google Adwords. Like Facebook, you can create new video content, in which case you can go to the custom YouTube channel and find the Creator Studio Tools section. If you already have ads, you can upload a video on the AdWords platform, making it easier to track performance with other paid search campaigns.

The technical features of your video ads are listed here:

  • Go to the Adwords Campaign section, click "+ Campaign",
  • Select the video from the drop-down menu.
  • You need to give your campaign a name that is easy to define.
  • Select the desired ad format (in this example you can specify in-stream ads)
  • Next, we go to the budget portion. In particular, the amount that you want to spend each day. This does not require a large number, and we generally recommend that you start small if you are new to YouTube ads.
  • The next step is to find networks, and here you have the option to choose to show your ad on YouTube Videos, YouTube Search, or other video partners on the Display Network.

Google explains the options here:
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  • YouTube Search - Display YouTube ads on YouTube search results pages. You can only use video discovery ads.
  • YouTube Videos - Display video ads on the YouTube homepage, watch pages, and channel. You can use in-stream ads, video discovery ads, and small poster ads.
  • Video Partners - Video ads span a range of sites and apps on the Google Display Network (GDN). You can use in-stream ads, video discovery ads, and small poster ads.

Then you will need to locate. It is very wide and "all countries and regions" relatively broad and targets state, city, zip code, etc. Using the United States and Canada or advanced filters.

The site you choose depends on your goals. Therefore, if you want to get the most views, increase your popularity, or have some international customers, you will need to choose from a wide range. Now in the face section, you'll need to adjust your targeting to make direct sales or downloads in a specific region.

  • Next, you'll need to specify your campaign's start and end dates under Advanced Settings.

This will revert to the budget you have allocated. For example, you choose to spend $ 40 a day, with a total budget of $ 200, You only want to run your campaign for 5 days to avoid exceeding your budget.

You also have the option to select specific days and times for your ad to run.

  • The next step is to decide which ad you want to run. First you need to make sure your video is uploaded to YouTube, then copy and paste the video URL.
  • Then you go and choose the video ad format you choose: in-stream search, the ad, or the small poster. If you select Discovery Ad now, you'll receive a thumbnail and copy of your ad.
  • After that, the bidding will come. This is the amount that you want to spend on each ad view, which will depend greatly on your targeting. The bid amount usually ranges from 4 cents to 15 cents.
  • Perhaps the most confusing aspect of the process is the target.

Now you have a marketing objective for the ad

Like many other types of marketing, it all depends on who your target audience and personality you are buying and their understanding of science. Find out what your brand represents and the emotions that lead to its success. Find out what your customers care about in their daily life. If you know your audiences interests and inspiration, you will be very close to understanding the type of videos that attract them. Does Google have a few tools to help users see the videos they watch? How active are they on social networks? How do they use their mobile devices?

  • YouTube Trends Dashboard - Watch popular YouTube videos.
  • Watch how YouTube Analytics - your audience - interact with your videos - and interact with your videos.
  • Think with Google - explore Google data, stats, and how they are presented to marketers.

Setting your goals What is the marketing or business goal you are trying to achieve? Although this may seem obvious, it is through our experience that our brands struggle to clarify the role of unique content and values. Considered:

  • Awareness Raising - Can people remember your brand, product, or service after selecting the video?
  • Affects the Mind - Will People Think To Buy What You Sell After Watching The Video?
  • Increase sales - Can people visit your website or store your product after watching the video?
  • Loyalty grows - are they more likely to recommend your brand, product, or service after watching a video?

Here are some common ad formats:

Talking heads: This is a video format for a person talking to a camera. These are especially useful for proving thought leadership and commercial acumen. With this layout, it is best to change the face, target position, and camera angle to grab the user's attention.

Storytelling: Think of movie trailers. Storytelling - quickly - captivates the audience and leaves enough plot for more. Consider a similar approach to your ads.

Product Showcase: The video is a great way to showcase many of the outstanding features of the product. After all, in Adobe's opinion, online shoppers who watch beta videos are likely to buy 1.81 times non-viewers, and users are likely to watch 4x videos more than they read about the product. Think about Sabo.

Regardless of which direction you want to try, there are a few things to consider:

  • Increase Your Strength - Always Answer the Question: Why are viewers interested in your brand? Tell them why they are unique and what they deserve for more than 5 or 6 seconds of their time.
  • Get close to the chase - don't wait until viewers discover why your brand is the best. Try to get their attention in the first 5 seconds.
  • Be creative with ad formats - adopt different formats and what you offer.
  • Use a call to action - tell viewers what you want them to, whether you want to subscribe to your channel or click on your website.
  • Make a plan - make sure your video is well thought out, written, and professional. If you are on the main path you're talking about, make sure your character on the screen is attractive and modern.

Understand your goal and define your main message and tone in a successful video campaign. Make sure your videos achieve the goals you intend to reach your target audience. Find the best ways to make your video more attractive and enjoyable.