What is E A T in SEO and why is it important to you

If you are studying SEO, you may have heard of the E-A-T acronym.If you've heard about E-A-T, you might be wondering what it is and how to improve SEO. This is what you'll find in this article!To get a head start on E-A-T in SEO, keep reading!

What is E-A-T in SEO? E-A-T means:

  • Exportize
  • Authority
  • Trustworthiness

Here are three main indicators in Google’s move to determine page quality. Although Google does not have a specific E-A-T score or algorithm, the page's E-A-T will have a major impact on its rankings.

Where does the E-A-T concept come from?

The term E-A-T comes from Google's Quality Assessment Guidelines (QRG) - guidelines that Google provides to search quality evaluators. These quality evaluators evaluate Google search results by rating the quality of the pages with the best results. Quality evaluators do not directly affect the rating. Instead, Google uses the information provided by our quality evaluators to improve its algorithm to provide users with better search results. QRG doesn't tell you how Google's algorithm works, but it tells you where Google's algorithm should go. E-A-T is an important part of Google Quality Raters guidelines. Google requires quality assessors to evaluate e-AT to help determine page quality.

What are some examples of low and high E-AT?

Here are some examples of low E-ATs: Some examples of low and high E-AT can help clarify the concept.

  • An article was written by someone who does not have a clear background on the topic, such as an article about treating diabetes from someone who does not have a medical background.
  • A website is not a reliable source of the article subject, such as an article on bankruptcy in the Travel Blog.
  • Untrusted website, such as misleading information or insufficient security.

Here are some examples of E-A-T height:

  • An article was written by an expert on a prestigious topic, such as an article on diabetes treatment by a health professional.
  • A website is an official source for the content of an article, such as an article on bankruptcy law, on a law firm website.
  • A news article with accurate information and quotes sources
  • Safe enough site

Why is E-A-T important?

So, why should you be interested in e-AT, and how can SEO be improved?

1. E-A-T indicates the quality

The lack of E-A-T is the first indicator of low-quality content, which Google lists in QRG. The high-level E-A-T is the first item listed as an indication of high-quality content. Google believes that E-A-T is important for creating high-quality content. Google wants to provide high-quality content to users in search engine results, so it is essential that Google sees your website in high quality.

2. Affects E-A-T Classifications

There is a lot of discussion in the SEO community about whether E-A-T is a ranking factor. However, in 2019, Google confirmed that E-A-T plays an important role in the rating. Google may not directly measure E-AT using the algorithm - not a single indicator for E-AT. However, Google's algorithm is designed to search for E-A-T pointers in different regions and rank higher E-A-T pages.

3. Users appreciate E-A-T

Google may have created the terms expertise, authenticity, and reliability, but this is something users naturally search for. Think about it - can you get advice from an unknown doctor or writer? Would you give your credit card information to an e-commerce site that does not take appropriate security precautions? By optimizing the e-AT of your site, you give your users a better experience and increase their level of confidence in your site and company.

E-A-T, Your Money or Your Life (YMYL)

Another abbreviation often associated with E-A-T is YMYL, which denotes your money or life. The word YMYL also appears in Google's QRG. Refers to pages that may affect "future happiness, health, financial stability, or security". E-A-T is very important to YMYL sites, and Google has a particularly strict set of E-A-T standards for these sites because it affects people's happiness, health, financial stability, and security.

Does Google give an E-A-T score?

When searching for E-A-t, you may hear references to improving your “E-A-T score”. Google says pages will not be numbered for E-A-T. While Google does not have a standard Google E-A-T score, it is important to improve your site's indicators of skill, authority, and trust. Don't get caught trying to find a Google official Google E-A-T score anywhere!

How to improve your E-A-T

From time to time you need to work on developing the skills, authenticity, and credibility of your authors, content, and website. There are no shortcuts to improving your e-AT. This can take time, especially if you run a YMYL site. Although you can make changes to your website to show off your E-A-T, many indicators of E-A-T come from your audience. Your site needs visitors to see your authors as experts and your authors, content, and website as authentic and trustworthy. One of the best ways to build E-A-T is to consistently produce quality content. It's very simple, but it's what users and Google want. Users will see that the more quality content you produce, the more skill, authority, and credibility you have.

Here are some specific tips to improve your skills, authority, and confidence indicators.

1. Improve skills

  • The best way to improve your skills is to make sure your authors are really good at the content they create.
  • If none of your staff is an expert on what you want to write about, find an expert to work on it. Either hire an expert to write an article for your website, ask them to write a guest post or do an interview.
  • Note the required skill. YMYL subjects usually require formal skills such as education or a job title. Other subjects require only "everyday expertise."

For example, if you are writing about how to treat a medical condition, you need someone with a medical background. If you are writing about the best restaurants in a particular city, staying in that city and visiting local restaurants is skillful enough. There are exceptions, however. For example, someone with a specific medical condition has everyday expertise related to it. They can make a video about living with this condition but they may not want to examine the technical details of how a particular drug works. It is important to communicate clearly the skills of your authors. Create an author's BIOS that describes their expertise and link to their other online profiles. Include author boxes in your post that provides some basic information about the author and a link to their full bio.

2. Improves originality

The best way to improve reliability is to get links and references from reliable sources, especially from the authorities already established in your field. Links and references from well-known companies, thought leaders, news websites, industry, and academic institutions are of particular value. Creating high-quality content that people want to link and share helps you achieve these links. The original search and graphs are the most relevant and shared content. You can contact industry leaders and ask them to link to your content. Avoid pushing the links or installing them yourself, because Google considers these methods spam and does not count the links.

3. Improved reliability

There are various ways to improve reliability. They include:

  • Get positive reviews online

  • Get real references on popular forums

  • Provides accurate, factual information and source quotes

  • Keeps your content up to date, especially YMYL content

  • Clear and accessible terms and conditions, privacy policy documents, and return and return policies

  • Includes multiple contact information and a physical address on your website

  • Ensure that your site is secure

  • Provides sufficient product information, especially safety-related information

  • Respect contracts such as return policies

  • Improve your E-AT and SEO with UBL.