9 Tips To Improve Your Conversion Rate

Are your SEO strategies bringing you the conversion you desire? If not, it is time to brush up a little on that old school conversion techniques and see how you can improve them. Check out this list of tips provided by digital marketing companies in Dubai that might help you, as an SEO practitioner to improve your conversion rate.

1.           Limit The Use of Jargons

Remember who you are writing the website for. Consider the amount of traffic you wish to bring to your website. Now think how many of them would be well versed with your niche jargon. Unless your website is open to an elite number of visitors, you need to cut down on that jargon usage. Purchasers and marketing professionals are also individuals. Don't write for businesses; instead, write for individuals. Clarification is something that marketers struggle with on a regular basis. Imagine you're discussing your product with a close friend while you re-write all of the marketing languages on your site. Reword any sentences that you wouldn't use in a discussion with a buddy. And most importantly, as long as marketing content is concerned, write as you talk.

2.            Remove form Felds

Unnecessary form fields can backfire on your conversions. Many online promotion companies in UAE suggest that you have to cut down on the number of form fields on your website. You must remove all the unnecessary form fields and leave the ones you absolutely need. Your signups may be high, but your closure rate will be terrible if your sales staff doesn't have all of the information they need to follow up. So, strike the appropriate mix between gathering crucial lead information and keeping fields to a bare minimum. Just make sure that each field is important. If it isn't, get rid of it.

3.           Add Social Proof

Social proof is a bigger game-changer than many realise it is. Social proof, testimonials and client logos can create a great impact on the website visitors.  It put customers at ease and they tend to trust you a little better with all that proof in view. Quality social proof improves your trustworthiness double fold and more often than not, your website visitors are precisely looking for something to convince them. Your testimonials, reviews and logos are a surefire way for potential customers to make a decision that is in your favour. Every single social media marketing company in Dubai would advise you to work on building your proof to get ahead anywhere- be it a website or social media.

4.            Be Unidirectional

People easily get bored with a website that keeps pulling them in several directions. You should pay attention to remove unnecessary distractions and content that is misleading. Focus on what you need your website visitors to see and guide them precisely in that direction. There's nothing more annoying than browsing a website that sends you in too many different ways. Your landing page should be easy to read, understand, and navigate. If it isn't absolutely necessary, leave it out. Only provide the information that your visitors require. Implement whenever possible a headline, testimonials and images combined with text. Other factors to consider are a web chat box, good reviews, and video, but the essential idea remains the same: remove any distractions. You want your visitors to concentrate solely on your offer.

5.            Split Testing


Split testing, when done correctly, may help you collect more leads, attract more visitors, and boost revenue. You must provide Google with accurate data about your original page in order to put up a safe and successful split test. Different variants of the same page are displayed to each user. The page with the highest proportion of users converting is the winner. When it comes to selecting which page to rank in the SERPs, Googlebot is clearly perplexed. Google promotes A/B testing and claims that performing an A/B or multivariate test has little to no influence on your website's search ranking.

6.            Decrease Loading Time

The amount of time it takes for a website to load is a key factor in page abandonment. They may tolerate delays of up to one second, but a 10-second delay in loading time may cause users to abandon a site instantly. Even if they stay, it's doubtful they'll follow through on the call to action. Google has said that one of the indications utilised by their algorithm to rank pages is site speed. Furthermore, research suggests that when Google analyses page performance, it may be evaluating time to the first byte in particular. Furthermore, a sluggish page speed implies that search engines may scan fewer pages with their crawl budget, which may have an impact on your indexation. As a leading digital marketing company in Dubai, UBL offer website designs that guarantee excellent user interface and convenience.

7.            Utilize Videos

Conversion rates are boosted significantly by explainer videos. These films allow firms to properly communicate their value offer. Explainer videos may also boost page activity and time spent on the site.

The attention span of visitors is limited. A three-minute video is the average length of time spent watching it.

To support the video, your hosting must be quick, and you'll need powerful, engaging content to capture visitors' attention in a short length of time.

8.            Add Values

Marketers frequently make the error of not providing enough information on the items and services they offer. All of your items should have images, videos, and reviews. The finest sales copy is intelligent, impartial, and benefit-oriented. The most effective approach to market items and services is to include as much info as possible about them.   Although 80 per cent of individuals will not read the entire book, 20 per cent will. Your major target group is 20 per cent.

You have a problem if you read all of the product information and are still not convinced. However, if a person is convinced after just reading 1/4, they can skip the remainder and proceed with the purchase straight away. Due to a lack of knowledge, almost half of all possible sales are lost.

9.            Prepare to Face Objections

There will be some degree of contention whenever individuals read your offer. They'll have some overt and covert objections to what you're saying, as well as reservations about accepting the offer. We can unearth such hesitations with inquiries and address the issues during in-person sales, but it's more difficult to do so online. The approach is to avoid such items by immediately addressing any potential difficulties in your sales text.